Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Battle of Alamo essays

The Battle of Alamo essays The myth and legend of the Alamo is the creation story of Texas, central to the Texas legend itself, and it is a legend which continues growing, capturing the imagination of people around the world. San Antonio and the Alamo played a critical role in the Texas Revolution. The siege and final battle of the Alamo in 1836 constitute the most celebrated military engagement in Texas history. After losing San Antonio to the Texans, Mexican General Santa Anna determined to retake this key location and at the same time impress upon the Texans the futility of further resistance to Mexican rule. With these goals, the vanguard of Santa Anna's army arrived in San Antonio. About 187 Texans in the area took refuge in the fortified grounds of Alamo, under the joint command of William Travis. The battle was conspicuous for the large number of illustrious personalities among its combatants. As the defenders saw it, the Alamo was the key to the defense of Texas, and they were ready to give their lives rather than surrender their position to General Santa Anna. Among the Alamo's heroes were Jim Bowie, and David Crockett. Only 187 rebels fought off a large number of Mexican soldiers. During the battle, all the Alamo defenders died to the last man. Several non-combatants were spared, including Susanna Dickenson, the wife of one of the defenders, partly to reinforce his goal of terrorizing colonists in Texas; Santa Anna released this small party to inform Texans of the fate of the defenders. ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Drug Testin in the Workplace essays

Drug Testin in the Workplace essays Drug testing in the United States began with the explosive use of illegal drugs, in order to curb drug abuse. This began during the Vietnam War with drug use at a climax. In general, Drug testing is a way to detect illegal drug use and deter it, usually by Urinalysis. Drug testing in the United States violates a citizens right to unreasonable search and seizures along with jeopardizing ones freedom. Drug testing is not only an unreliable invasion of a persons privacy but it assumes that one is guilty before submitting to the Drug testing began to take place in the mid 1960s when drugs like Marijuana, hallucinogens and other drugs were becoming widespread (Stencel, pp.201). The military implemented mandatory drug testing because of the widespread use and the number of Vets that were returning home because of addiction. Ronald Reagan pushed for employers to implement drug testing and even had himself screened for illegal drugs to encourage employers and to reduce opposition to testing (Stencel, pp. 200). The increased concern about drug abuse has, in part, ben the result of the early 1986 appearance on the streets of crack-a new, powerfully addictive form of cocaine-and the growth of cocaine addiction (Berger, 12). President Reagan later called for a second In October of 1986, President Reagan signed into law a 1.7 billion dollar antidrug bill, called the Drug-Free Workplace Order. In addition to the bill, Reagan instructed his cabinet officers to create a plan to begin drug testing for federal civil employees (Berger, 14). Drug testing thus begun a sharp climb into the area of private employers. In November of 1988 Congress passed an Act requiring grant recipients or federal contractors to maintain drug-free workplaces. Most of the employers set up voluntary testing programs and many employees began to sue, claiming that indivi...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Corrections future Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Corrections future - Essay Example Offenders that are dangerous to the society on the other hand are held in institutional correction systems. The size of prison and jail populations has massively increased leading to a number of issues in the prison environment and to prison administrators. Alternate correctional systems for example community correction systems have been established to solve the problems that mainly come with institutional correction systems. Keywords: Institutional Correction systems, Community Correction Systems, Alternate Correctional Systems, Governments, Prisoners, Prisons, Prison Administrators, Foreign Prisoners, Crimes, Correctional Facilities, Correctional Officers, Overcrowding, Violence, Living Conditions Institutional based corrections refer to individuals held in guarded correctional facilities. Correctional facilities vary in types and the entities that operate them are very different. Municipal or county authorities operate local jails where offenders are held for short periods ranging from a day to year. The federal bureau of prisons and state governments operate prisons where offenders are held for long periods. ... Supervision under community corrections falls under parole or probation (Bureau of Justice Statistics [BJS], 2012). Correctional institutions and the correctional process has the mandate to provide sufficient punishment to people convicted for violating the law, therefore protecting the public, and consequently reducing fear of crime. Over the years, the goals of correctional systems have taken different meanings and emphasis. Siegel and Bartollas assert that â€Å"the tactics used to achieve correctional goals have shifted from one generation to the next† (2010, p.7). Today, corrections are an important part of the criminal justice system. Community correction programs are established to ensure that offenders are in effect held accountable for the crimes they commit, and in the mean time, ensure that they also meet accepted living standards in the community. Majority of offenders do not present any possible danger to themselves and others, and hence can stay in the community to cultivate relationships. Punishing offenders while they still stay in the community holds a number of benefits. According to Alarid and Del Carmen â€Å"with legitimate employment, offenders can support themselves and their family of origin, and they will pay taxes† (2012, p.1). Additionally, unlike offenders bound in prison, offenders living in the community have higher chances of paying up their victims or the community through restitution or community service respectively. Offenders in community corrections programs are not exposed to the subculture of violence present in many prisons and jails. In recent years, the place of the prison in the American society has changed. Siegel and Bartollas (2010) state that, â€Å"a prison has become a quick way to fix

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Employee Perception On Commitment Oriented Work Systems Article

Employee Perception On Commitment Oriented Work Systems - Article Example The research attempted to identify the relationship between employee trust or loyalty to managers and employee’s in-role and extra-role performance in comparison with that of organizational commitment in the organizations. Due to the increased popularity of the idea of employee commitment, researchers in this study turned their attention to multiple commitments in that in addition to the organizations as a focus of commitment, other important factors such as management, performance, and occupation were incorporated in the study. There are several theories included in this study. For instance, McGregor’s’ theoretical differentiation between theory X and theory Y has been applied. Theory X shows employees dislike work, lack motivation; avoid work and external motivation such as punishment is used as a way of motivation. This, in turn, results in poor performance. Theory Y, on the other hand, states that poor performance cannot be attributed to human nature but to a n imperfect work system. Therefore, managers should realize that employees want self-control, self-direction, seeks and accepts responsibility. In turn, Theory X calls for use of a commitment oriented work system. The theory advocates for a universal employee preference for autonomy, self-control, and responsibility. Thus, an effective commitment HR system should fit these assumptions better than the control HR system. The experimental design in this study relied on variables such type of work and type of contract. These variables were efficient in that they presented the relationship that exists in the workplace when an employee knows the kind of work he or she does. The problem with this design is that it relied more on primary data. In this case, the results cannot be effective since it involves individual response. In addition, validity was jeopardized by experimental procedures, pretesting and differential selection among employees of the organization.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Odysseus as an Epic Hero Essay Example for Free

Odysseus as an Epic Hero Essay What is an epic hero? Homers’ â€Å"Odyssey† is about an epic hero named Odysseus and his quest home. â€Å"The Odyssey† begins after the Trojan war had left Odysseus trapped, pointlessly seafaring for 10 years after angering Poseidon, the god of the sea. He tries desperately to return home to Ithaka and his wife, Penelope, and newborn son, Telemachus. Odysseus then has many hardships upon which he overcomes through his intelligence and wit. Odysseus is an epic hero because he is intelligent, he listens to the god’s advice, and he is witty; able to think on his feet. With the help of the gods he can survive things most men couldn’t. First, nearing the end of the Epic, Odysseus continues to use his intelligence to overcome obstacles and hardships. Upon one attempt to return home, Odysseus must pass the island of the Sirens. He has his men plug their ears with beeswax but not before he tells them his place in the plan: â€Å"Take me and bind me to the crosspiece half way up the mast; bind me as I stand upright, with a bond so fast that I cannot possibly break away, and lash the ropes ends to the mast itself. If I beg and pray you to set me free, then bind me more tightly still. Even though Odysseus gives into the weakness of the sirens’ song, he is unable to escape from the bonds of the rope and his previous intelligence saves him. Once he arrives in Ithaca, Odysseus once again uses his intelligence to overcome his suitors and reclaim his estate. When he first encounters the people of his land, he wisely chooses to remain anonymous, avoiding an unplanned struggle or fight. Odysseus then reveals himself to his son and few servants to plan an attack on the suitors. At a contest to see if anyone can string Odysseus’s bow, the hero plans his attack after stringing the bow and firing on the suitors. His son and servants have the other arms and they massacre the entire group of suitors. This was one of Odysseus’s final acts of brilliance to conclude the epic. Furthermore, there are many instances throughout the epic where Odysseus takes the advice of the gods to overcome the obstacles he is faced with. One of the first events is when Odysseus encounters Aeolus, the god of winds. Many men would not trust this god and not accept his secret bag of wind, believing it would be a plague of some sort. But, Odysseus accepts Aeolus’ bag of winds and treats him with hospitality. Another instance where Odysseus accepts the gods’ guidance is when the hero listens to Hermes on how to overcome Circe: â€Å"But Hermes met me, with his golden wand, barring the way-a boy whose lip was downy in the first bloom of mankind, so he seemed. He took my hand and spoke as though he knew me. † By Hermes insight, Odysseus eats the food that is given to him and patiently waits for the right time to strike. Odysseus subdues Circe and forces her to free his men from the bondage of swine. After living in luxury with Circe for a year, he listens to her advice on how to return to his homeland of Ithaca. Finally, one of the first obstacles Odysseus conquers is the defeat of the Cyclops. Once trapped in the cave of the one-eyed monster, Odysseus must devise a plan and fast, the giant had taken to consuming his men. This is where Odysseus’ wit comes into play. Cunningly, Odysseus gets the Cyclops drunk and allows him to fall into slumber. He then blinds the Cyclops with a red-hot spear, knowing intelligently enough that if he kills the Cyclops they will be trapped forever. Searching for help, the giant opens the cave. Earlier, Odysseus says: â€Å"My name is Nobody: mother, father, and friends, everybody calls me Nobody. When the blinded giant is seeking help from his brothers, he proclaims that, â€Å"Nobody† blinded him. Therefore, Odysseus and his men escape with their lives by the means of this hero’s wit.? In conclusion, through this intelligence and wit with advice from the gods, Odysseus overcomes all of his obstacles against all odds. Being a true hero, the Achaeans look up to Odysseus as a role model with his intelligence, wit, and godly insight. It is because of these three traits that Odysseus is considered an epic hero and is never to be forgotten.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Hayakawa Ch. 10 :: essays research papers

Hayakawa Chapter 10 †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Giving Things Names o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A differentiation set itself up, and, abstracting the common characteristics. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The question what is it really? Or what is its right name? are nonsense questions. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Things can only have â€Å"right names† only if there is a necessary connection between symbols and things being symbolized. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What we call things and where we draw the line between one class of things and another depends upon the interests we have and the purpose of the classification. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Each is useful for its purpose. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  If our culture upbringing was different, the world would look different to us. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Also, many people can’t distinguish between like things. For example salmon, perch, pickerel, etc. They just call them â€Å"fish.† o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When we name something we are classifying. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The individual object or event we are naming has no name and belongs to no class until we put it in one. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The extensional meaning of a word determines a prior existence. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In matters of â€Å"race† and â€Å"nationality†, in the way in which classifications work is especially apparent. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The effect that each classification has upon what he may or many not do constitutes their â€Å"reality.† o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It would be exactly as justifiable to say that any person with even a small amount of â€Å"white blood† is â€Å"white†. Because the former system of classification suits the convenience of those making the classification. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Classification isn’t a matter of identifying â€Å"essences† but it is simply a reflection of social convenience or necessity. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As soon as the process of classification is completed, our attitudes and our conduct are determined. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Blocked Mind o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Snap judgments suggests that such errors can be avoided by thinking more slowly; this isn’t the case, for some people think very slowly with no better results. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What we are concerned with is the way in which we block the development of our own minds by automatic reactions. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Some people may say, â€Å"A Jew is a Jew and there’s no getting around that.† o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  They have an extensional Jew with the fictitious â€Å"Jew† inside their heads. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The fictitious â€Å"Jew† inside their heads remains unchanged in spite of their experiences. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Some people ignore the characteristics left out in the process of classification. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cow 1 Is Not Cow 2 o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Practically all statements in ordinary conversation, debate, and public controversy taking the form â€Å"Republicans are Republicans† are not true. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  An example is â€Å"business is business.† The 1st business invokes denotes the transaction under discussion and the 2nd invokes the connotations of the word. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The terms of the classification tell us what the individuals in that class have in common.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Bullying: Victim and Researchers Essay

I. Introduction Bullying is one of the major problems that our students are facing. In CIC’s Guidance Office and even in the Office of the Student’s Affairs (OSA) many of the students have reported different cases of bullying. Some students do not go in the said offices but instead they would prefer to relay such incidents to their teachers. Some go directly to the Principal’s Office along with their parents or guardians. One good attestation and observation, a high school student who feels superior tends to bully students in the lower years. This student asks some students from lower years to do his assignment. Sometimes he drives the student’s confidence down. The freshmen and some students of different year levels are afraid of this student. In order for this student to succeed in his studies or get high grade he would force others to do his projects. Hence, he looks for weaker student that he may over power in order for him to be famous or be regarded as someone influ ential. The victim loses his focus in school because of the threat brought by this bully. Sometimes he would not attend his classes and increase tendency of failing his academic subjects. Such scenario has been a recurring phenomenon in the school environment. Numerous studies have been made in the past as part of a continuous attempt to understand human behavior in its entirety. At present, however, bullying has been regarded a typical happening in schools and less attention is given to it or none at all. Although bullying may seem a minor concern in the research locale of this study, which is the school, it undermines most students who are simply afraid to speak up about it. According to Encarta Dictionary, bullying is the process of intimidating or mistreating somebody weaker or in a vulnerable situation. Cases of physical, sexual, emotional, even spiritual abuse may be considered as bullying (Ouimet, 2011). Bullying may also be described as Rankism or discriminatory towards others because of their rank in a particular hierarchy. (Fuller, 2003) Bullying is an action which uses negative words against someone which causes distress to the one who is being bullied. Moreover, the victim may lead to anxiety, low self-esteem, hopelessness and worst develop suicidal tendencies (Oliver et al., 2003). Bullying may also cause students’ absenteeism or particularly their less engagement in school. In one scenario, a higher year student has a project in one of his subjects. For this student to accomplish the project, he threatens a lower year student verbally to do it for him and finish it as soon as possible. If the victim would not comply with the oppressor’s demand, the oppressor will beat up the lower year student ruthlessly. However, the victim is also busy with his studies and it’s difficult for the victim to do the oppressor’s demand at the same time. Since, he could not do the oppressor’s demand; the victim will not go to school because he is afraid to be beaten up. These findings have encouraged the researchers to conduct a further study in a specific place where such cases are often occurring, the school. In relation to our study, Ken Seeley, EdD et al. (2009) of the National Center for School Engagement conducted a research on peer victimization or also known as Bullying. Their study tells that bullying is not direct cause of students’ absenteeism or low school achievement. However, Bullying results in the victim becoming less engaged in school and cease attending classes. Seeley focused on the effects and ultimate outcomes of bullying not just whether raw bullying numbers decrease, but whether the ever-present victims of bullying go on to college or to crime. Their research was also designed to assess the role of victimization frequency and intensity in determining how much school a student misses. Additionally, their study reveals a connection between bullying and school engagement. Bullying had a negative impact with school engagement, so the more a student was victimized, the less the student was engaged at school. The authors concluded that bullying greatly influences the student’s engagement in school that the more occurrence of peer victimization the less the student attend his/her class. Statement of the Problem: What does bullying really give? Does it really give happiness to the oppressor? How about the victims? Do they feel the same way too? These are the questions raised by the researchers upon seeing the rampant cases of bullying. In this study, the researchers come up with a major question in their research: * How can we lessen the rampant cases of bullying in CIC High school Department? In addition, the researchers have minor questions in the said topic: * What are the major causes of bullying in CIC High School Department? * In what way can bullying threaten CIC High School Students’ lives? Significance of the Study: The purpose of this paper is to lessen the influence of bullying not only in CIC High School Department but also in other departments and other schools where cases of bullying are rampant. Information regarding bullying will help students to cope up with it accordingly. This paper will help those students who experience bullying to regain their self-esteem and to have a better social life. It will also serve as an eye-opener for students who are unaware of their actions which may be considered as bullying towards their fellow students. This work will give knowledge to the readers about what bullying really is and a clear vision about the effects of bullying in every individual’s life. Subsequently, this study will be beneficial to the oppressors of bullying that they may use the knowledge to avert the intensifying cases of bullying. It will give victims of bullying understanding and awareness on what they need to do if they are facing this problem. Scope and Delimitation: One aspect covered by this research is the social life of the high school students in the school environment in relation to the various effects brought by bullying. This, in particular, includes how victims of bullying as well as the oppressors relate and interact with fellow students, peers and their teachers. In addition, the study focuses on the academic life of the high school students on how they perform in class and in different activities in the school. This refers to the grades of the students who have experienced acts of bullying and also of the oppressors. II. METHOD Method of Research: In this section, the study presents the computations concerning the population of the respondents using the Slovin’s Formula as well as the study’s data and the process of how it was gathered. For the questionnaires used in the survey, the researchers adapt the instrument known as Likert Scale. Moreover, the researchers discuss the statistical treatment on how the students respond in the survey questionnaires. Since Bullying involves human behavior which needs psychological explanation, the researchers employ Descriptive-Status Method in tackling this topic. This method will help the researchers to easily obtain answers and solutions to the problem. Moreover, the method will help the researchers to make a more understandable and manageable approach to the topic as it will provide clearer explanations to the target aspects of the study. This method will aid the readers to easily comprehend the data and information discussed in the study. Samples and Sampling Procedures The researchers employ Purposive Sampling design since it is most suitable with the research. Purposive Sampling design, also known as judgmental, selective or subjective sampling, is a type of non-probability sampling technique. Non-probability sampling focuses on sampling techniques where the units that are investigated are based on the judgment of the researcher. Moreover, the researchers used the Slovin’s Formula to get the Number of Respondents allotted in each year level. Table 1: The Total Population of Different levels of the High School Students of the College of the Immaculate Conception and the Number of Respondents computed using Slovin’s Formula. Year Level| Total Population(Number of Students) Data Gathering Procedures: The researchers composed questionnaires whereby the respondents are asked to answer a set of questions by means of rating depending on their level of agreement or disagreement. The questions concern the effects of bullying in every student’s studies. The researchers enquire answers to come up with a conclusion regarding to the study. The questionnaires are distributed to the different year levels of respondents. Description of the Instrument: In this study, the researchers used the questionnaire made of a Likert Scale to gather necessary data and information. The scale is named after its inventor, a psychologist named Rensis Likert. Likert Scale is also known as rating scale that the respondents specify their level of agreement or disagreement on a symmetric agree-disagree scale for a series of statements. Thus, the scale captures the intensity of the student’s feeling for a given item. Construction and Validation of the Instruments: The researchers have undergone brainstorming and revisions in order to have a final survey. The researchers used a survey as the instrument of the study .Suggestions and comments were raised by the English critics and Statistician upon seeing the draft of the survey. However the instrument undergone a lot of revisions and the researchers took the suggestions of the English critics for the researchers to have an official instrument. The instrument was finalized and polished by the researchers thus; the researchers reproduce the instrument and distributed upon the signal of the Research Adviser. Administration of the Instrument After the instrument has been approved by the experts, the researchers went through the reproduction of the questionnaires. Conclusions: In light of the above summary and findings, the following conclusions were drawn: 1. According to the respondents of this study, most of them are victims of bullying. Almost all of them are suffering from bullying and didn’t have the confidence to face the bullies. Based on the data gathered by the researchers, 69% respondents attest that they sometimes experience bullying in the school. As a result they almost lose all of their confidence in themselves but luckily there was God and their family to support them. 2. It only showed that most of the respondents moved on and the bullying was just a challenge, trial and inspiration to realize something more about life. It gave them a lesson in protecting and maintaining their bravery within themselves because it was a gift from God. And we must be ready at all times for such obstacles in life that might happen in the future. 3. We Filipinos still carry the good attitude of our ancestors which is shown a lot of times throughout our history. So instead of bullying others, how about we use this attitude to be united again not only within our city but also in the whole country. 4. The victims used a lot of strength to move on from the challenging event happened in their lives. For them, it was very hard to move on and to forget the tragedy they experienced because it almost destroyed their future but with the help of God, most of the victims realized that they still need to move on and face the reality to continue their lives and be thankful for surviving such event and their faith in God was strongly developed. 5. The lessons given by this research was to open the eyes of the victims who are suffering from this and to learn the different things to do to protect themselves. We must be prepared and be aware enough to such things as bullying. Some victims said that they realized the importance of not only themselves but also their family because they are the only ones left and served as inspiration to move on from the trials in life. 6. The victims have learned a lot and they have some suggestions to the school, to the community and to others. To the school, they should voice out the needs of the victims of the bullying. For the community and to others, they wanted to emphasize the importance of the family, to be strong, and faced the trials in life and do not give up. The victims did not lose hope to survive the battle because they believe in God and they pray to God. We must never forget God and ask for His goodness to guide and gives us strength in the trails we are facing. 7. No matter what end of the bullying we are on, we need to make sure that we are doing our part to prevent and stop this. Bullying is a serious matter, whether we like it or not. If we do not think that we can handle the situation on our own, there is no harm in asking for help. We can find help in a variety of places, even within our own family. Recommendations: These are some of the researchers’ recommendations after the findings and conclusions were made: 1. Bullying is a serious problem that can dramatically affect the ability of students to progress academically and socially. A comprehensive intervention plan that involves all students, parents, and school staff is required to ensure that all students can learn in a safe and fear-free environment. 2. Do not be a coward and try to face the challenges in our life. 3. Love ourselves and show the bullies that we have the strength to face them before it’s too late. 4. Instead of getting a revenge on the bully, try to show them that you’re not affected by this because the real weaklings here are the bullies. 5. Always be prepared through learning the different things to do when such difficulties happen in the future. 6. The guidance counselor and the Office of the Student Affairs must take action immediately when such event happens. 7. Through trials we face in life, do not forget to have faith in God and ask for His guidance, for our family to be always safe and secure. Lastly, be thankful for the life that He gave us. 8. The Government should take action to this problem by promoting an anti-bullying program not only to schools but also to our fellow countrymen.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Issues Concerning IT Outsourcing

Companies are increasingly outsourcing the management of information technology (IT) for reasons that include concern for cost and quality, lagging IT performance, supplier pressure, access to special technical and application skills, and other financial factors. The outsourcing solution is acceptable to large and small firms alike because strategic alliances are now more common and the IT environment is changing rapidly. Although the mix of factors raising the possibility of outsourcing varies widely from one company to another, there are a series of themes that explain most of the pressures to outsource. First of all, general managers† concerns about cost and quality drive outsourcing. The same issues such as getting existing services for a reduced price at acceptable quality standard came up repeatedly. Second, failure to meet service standards can force management to find other ways of achieving reliability. It is not atypical to find a company in which cumulative IT management neglect eventually culminated in an out-of-control situation the current IT department could not recover from. Management can see outsourcing as a way to fix a broken department. Third, a firm under intense cost or competitive pressures, which does not see IT as its core competence, may find outsourcing a way to delegate time-consuming, messy problems so it can focus scarce management time and energy on other differentiators. Next, several financial issues can make outsourcing appealing. One is the opportunity to liquidate the firm†s intangible IT asset, thus strengthening the balance sheet and avoiding a stream of sporadic capital investments in the future. Also, outsourcing can turn a largely fixed-cost business into one with variable costs. This is particularly important for firms whose activities vary widely in volume from one year to another or which face significant downsizing. Outsourcing has identified numerous potential benefits. Financial benefits from outsourcing included rapid funding of new systems development and economies of scale and scope. As consolidate infrastructure through IT outsourcing, a firm can experience cost reductions in hardware and software licensing, facilities, and support headcount. Outsourcing, also, can capitalize on an outside vendor†s extensive IT problem solving knowledge. An outside vendor had the ability to get more of the technology that came out. They could spend money on investments that a company couldn†t afford internally. That opens up a lot more avenues to future technologies. An outside vendor would manage the IT function more efficiently. A vendor†s main competency is managing computer systems. Through their skills, leverage, and economies of scale, they could provide a level of efficiency that could not be achieved at the outsourcer. Finally, Perhaps most important, outsourcing allow internal IT managers to focus on the development of a new IT infrastructure. Underlying the outsourcing effort is a fundamental strategy to offload legacy applications and operations so a firm could focus on developing new strategic application to support the global business processes, which were being reengineered. There are many ways to manage IT outsourcing since every company has different culture, strategy, structure, people, and process. Also, many important issues such as structure, Information management operating processes, management processes, human resources management should be clarified. However, I†m here going to use Xerox†s outsourcing process. A company may go through 5 phases to reach a successful outsourcing; Fact Gathering, Request for Proposal and Data Gathering, Feasibility and management Approval, Baseline Building and Evaluation, Due Diligence and Contract Awarded. At first, information management (IM) collects the facts the company faces and design team recommendation. Then IM request for information to numerous vendors. After compare their response with evaluation checklist which includes technical, HR, financial, contractual factors, IM conclude the feasibility of outsourcing and make recommendation for management. Then, with the Management†s approval, IM start to build best-case model and contract terms while evaluate the vendors† proposal using evaluation checklist again. Then, the final negotiation and selection for contract development will be made and, finally, terms are finalized and contract is drafted. Many outsourcing contracts are structured for very long periods in a world of fast-moving technical and business change. Eight to ten years is the normal length of a contract in an environment in which computer chip performance is shifting by 20 to 30 percent per year. Consequently, a deal that made sense at the beginning may take less economic sense three years later and require adjustments to function effectively. Exacerbating the situation is the timing of benefits. The first-year benefits are clear to customer, who often receives a one-time capital payment. The customer then feels relieved to shift problems and issues to another organization. The situation from the outsourcer†s perspective is just the reverse. The first year may require a heavy capital payment followed by the extraordinary costs for switching responsibility to them and executing the appropriate cost-reduction initiatives. All this is done in anticipation of a back-loaded profit flow. At precisely the time the outsourcer is finally moving into its earnings stream, the customer, perhaps feeling the need for new services, is chafing under monthly charges and anxious to move to new IT architectures. If the customer has not had experience in partnering activities before, the relationship can develop profound tensions. The evolution of technologies often changes the strategic relevance of IT service to a firm. From the customer†s viewpoint, assigning a commodity service to an outsider is very attractive if the price is right. Delegating a firm†s service differentiator is another matter. The customer that made the original decision on efficiency will judge it differently if using effectiveness criteria later. IT outsourcing has so many positive effects for a company even though it still contains various problem needed to be solved. In the Internet age, any company may want to focus its internal staff on moving it to the environment that will support them tomorrow and outsourcing could be one of the best solutions. Also, outsourcing is really more of an integration of two separate businesses to be successful. Both want to take the best parts of each culture and put them together. In addition, critical success factors including existence of a multi-years, corporate commitment to the IM strategy and outsourcing, and quality culture and attitude should be considered in outsourcing.

Friday, November 8, 2019

how Alfred changes in the contender Essays

how Alfred changes in the contender Essays how Alfred changes in the contender Paper how Alfred changes in the contender Paper How Alfred changes what kind of changes does Alfred go through in the book The Contender by Robert Lipsyte. what he does to change himself throughout the book. the first change that he makes is that he disciplines himself. How Alfred disciplines himself is that he gets up at five A. M every morning. Then he goes out to train by Jogging around his neighborhood every single day. He then gets ready for work which is something he did before. The second change in Alfred is that he is more confident, and he stands up for himself when he is getting bullied. He finally says no to Major,when he asks Alfred to disable the burglar alarm. MaJor was shocked that Alfred would say no to him,He was shocked because Alfred never talked back to Major and never said no to him before for anything. MaJor then says to Alfred that he will give him a few days to change his mind. The third change that Alfred becomes a well rounded person with many new friends to help him out. Also (its the Effort and not the win that makes the man). Alfred has now found a purpose in life and he considers going back to school instead of being a chool dropout. His goals are now to go back to school and try to graduate and become more successful throughout his life. In conclusion Alfred has evolved into a mature,selfless adolescent who seems destined to apply what he learned from being a boxer. And to know what it means to have a bright future ahead of him while trying to save his best friend from dying or killing himself from some stupid decisions from doing drugs without knowing the side effects from them. And from continuing a life of drugs and being self destructive.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

A Biography of Richard the Lionheart

A Biography of Richard the Lionheart Richard the Lionheart was born on September 8, 1157, in Oxford, England. He was generally considered to be his mothers favorite son, and has been described as spoiled and vain because of it. Richard was also known to let his temper get the better of him. Nevertheless, he could be shrewd in matters of politics and was famously skilled on the battlefield. He was also highly cultured and well-educated, and wrote poems and songs. Through most of his life he enjoyed the support and affection of his people, and for centuries after his death, Richard the Lionheart was one of the most popular kings in English history. Early Years Richard the Lionheart was the third son of King Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine, and although his eldest brother died young, the next in line, Henry, was named heir. Thus, Richard grew up with little realistic expectations of achieving the English throne. In any case, he was more interested in the familys French holdings than he was in England; he spoke little English, and he was made duke of the lands his mother had brought to her marriage when he was quite young: Aquitaine in 1168, and Poitiers three years later. In 1169, King Henry and King Louis VII of France agreed that Richard should be wed to Louiss daughter Alice. This engagement was to last for some time, although Richard never showed any interest in her; Alice was sent from her home to live with the court in England, while Richard stayed with his holdings in France. Brought up among the people he was to govern, Richard soon learned how to deal with the aristocracy. But his relationship with his father had some serious problems. In 1173, encouraged by his mother, Richard joined his brothers Henry and Geoffrey in rebelling against the king. The rebellion ultimately failied, Eleanor was imprisoned, and Richard found it necessary to submit to his father and receive a pardon for his transgressions. From Duke to King Richard In the early 1180s, Richard faced baronial revolts in his own lands. He displayed considerable military skill and earned a reputation for courage (the quality that led to his nickname of Richard the Lionheart), but he dealt so harshly with the rebels that they called on his brothers to help drive him from Aquitaine. Now his father interceded on his behalf, fearing the fragmentation of the empire he had built (the Angevin Empire, after Henrys lands of Anjou). However, no sooner had King Henry gathered his continental armies together than the younger Henry unexpectedly died, and the rebellion crumpled. As the oldest surviving son, Richard the Lionheart was now heir to England, Normandy, and Anjou. In light of his extensive holdings, his father wanted him to cede Aquitaine to his brother John, who had never had any territory to govern and was known as Lackland. But Richard had a deep attachment to the duchy. Rather than give it up, he turned to the king of France, Louiss son Philip II, with whom Richard had developed a firm political and personal friendship. In November of 1188 Richard paid homage to Philip for all his holdings in France, then joined forces with him to drive his father into submission. They forced Henry- who had indicated a willingness to name John his heir- to acknowledge Richard as heir to the English throne before he died in July 1189. The Crusader King Richard the Lionheart had become King of England; but his heart wasnt in the sceptred isle. Ever since Saladin had captured Jerusalem in 1187, Richards greatest ambition was to go to the Holy Land and take it back. His father had agreed to engage in the Crusades along with Philip, and a Saladin Tithe had been levied in England and France to raise funds for the endeavor. Now Richard took full advantage of the Saladin Tithe and the military apparatus that had been formed; he drew heavily from the royal treasury and sold anything that might bring him funds- offices, castles, lands, towns, lordships. In less than a year after his accession to the throne, Richard the Lionheart raised a substantial fleet and an impressive army to take on Crusade. Philip and Richard agreed to go to the Holy Land together, but not all was well between them. The French king wanted some of the lands that Henry had held, and that were now in Richards hands, which he believed rightfully belonged to France. Richard was not about to relinquish any of his holdings; in fact, he shored up the defenses of these lands and prepared for conflict. But neither king really wanted war with each other, especially with a Crusade awaiting their attention. In fact, the crusading spirit was strong in Europe at this time. Although there were always nobles who wouldnt put up a farthing for the effort, the vast majority of the European nobility were devout believers of the virtue and necessity of Crusade. Most of those who didnt take up arms themselves still supported the Crusading movement any way that they could. And right now, both Richard and Philip were being shown up by the septuagenarian German emperor, Frederick Barbarossa, who had already pulled together an army and set off for the Holy Land. In the face of public opinion, continuing their quarrel was not really feasible for either of the kings, but especially not for Philip, since Richard the Lionheart had worked so hard to fund his part in the Crusade. The French king chose to accept the promises that Richard made, probably against his better judgment. Among these pledges was Richards agreement to marry Philips sister Alice, who still languished in England, even though it appeared he had been negotiating for the hand of Berengaria of Navarre. Alliance with the King of Sicily In July of 1190 the Crusaders set off. They stopped at Messina, Sicily, in part because it served as an excellent point of departure from Europe to the Holy Land, but also because Richard had business with King Tancred. The new monarch had refused to hand over the bequest the late king had left to Richards father, and was witholding the dower owed to his predecessors widow and keeping her in close confinement. This was of special concern to Richard the Lionheart, because the widow was his favorite sister, Joan. To complicate matters, the Crusaders were clashing with the citizens of Messina. Richard resolved these problems in a matter of days. He demanded (and got) Joans release, but when her dower was not forthcoming he began taking control of strategic fortifications. When the unrest between the Crusaders and the townfolk flared into a riot, he personally quelled it with his own troops. Before Tancred knew it, Richard had taken hostages to secure the peace and begun constructing a wooden castle overlooking the city. Tancred was forced to make concessions to Richard the Lionheart or risk losing his throne. The agreement between Richard the Lionheart and Tancred ultimately benefited the king of Sicily, for it included an alliance against Tancreds rival, the new German emperor, Henry VI. Philip, on the other hand, was unwilling to jeopardize his friendship with Henry and was irritated at Richards virtual takeover of the island. He was mollified somewhat when Richard agreed to share the monies Tancred paid, but he soon had cause for further irritation. Richards mother Eleanor arrived in Sicily with her sons bride, and it was not Philips sister. Alice had been passed over in favor of Berengaria of Navarre, and Philip wasnt in either a financial or military position to address the insult. His relationship with Richard the Lionheart further deteriorated, and they would never recover their original affability. Richard couldnt marry Berengaria quite yet, because it was Lent; but now that shed arrived in Sicily he was ready to leave the island where he had tarried for several months. In April of 1191 he set sail for the Holy Land with his sister and fiancà © in a massive fleet of over 200 vessels. Invasion of Cyprus and Marriage Three days out of Messina, Richard the Lionheart and his fleet ran into a terrible storm. When it was over, about 25 ships were missing, including the one carrying Berengaria and Joan. In fact the missing ships had been blown further on, and three of them (though not the one Richards family were on) had been driven aground in Cyprus. Some of the crews and passengers had drowned; the ships had been plundered and the survivors were imprisoned. All of this had occurred under the governance of Isaac Ducas Comnenus, the Greek tyrant of Cyprus, who had at one point entered into an agreement with Saladin to protect the government hed set up in opposition to the ruling Angelus family of Constantinople. After having rendezvoused with Berengaria and secured her and Joans safety, Richard demanded restoration of the plundered goods and the release of those prisoners who hadnt already escaped. Isaac refused, rudely it was said, apparently confident in Richards disadvantage. To Isaacs chagrin, Richard the Lionheart successfully invaded the island, then attacked against the odds, and won. The Cypriots surrendered, Isaac submitted, and Richard took possession of Cyprus for England. This was of great strategic value, since Cyprus would prove to be an important part of the supply line of goods and troops from Europe to the Holy Land. Before Richard the Lionheart left Cyprus, he married Berengaria of Navarre on May 12, 1191. A Truce  in the Holy Land Richards first success in the Holy Land, after having sunk an enormous supply ship encountered on the way, was the capture of Acre. The city had been under siege by Crusaders for two years, and the work Philip had done upon his arrival to mine and sap the walls contributed to its fall. However, Richard not only brought an overwhelming force, he spent considerable time examining the situation and planning his attack before he even got there. It was almost inevitable that Acre should fall to Richard the Lionheart, and indeed, the city surrendered mere weeks after the king arrived. Shortly afterward, Philip returned to France. His departure was not without rancor, and Richard was probably glad to see him go. Although Richard the Lionheart scored a surprising and masterful victory at Arsuf, he was unable to press his advantage. Saladin had decided to destroy Ascalon, a logical fortification for Richard to capture. Taking and rebuilding Ascalon in order to more securely establish a supply line made good strategic sense, but few of his followers were interested in anything but moving on to Jerusalem. And fewer still were willing to stay on once, theroretically, Jerusalem was captured. Matters were complicated by quarrels among the various contingents and Richards own high-handed style of diplomacy. After considerable political wrangling, Richard came to the unavoidable conclusion that the conquest of Jerusalem would be far too difficult with the lack of military strategy hed encountered from his allies; furthermore, it would be virtually impossible to keep the Holy City should by some miracle he manage to take it. He negotiated a truce with  Saladin  that allowed the Crusaders to keep Acre and a strip of coast that gave Christian pilgrims access to sites of sacred significance, then headed back to Europe. Captive in Vienna The tension had grown so bad between the kings of England and France that Richard chose to go home by way of the Adriatic Sea in order to avoid Philips territory. Once again the weather played a part: a storm swept Richards ship ashore near Venice. Although he disguised himself to avoid the notice of Duke Leopold of Austria, with whom he had clashed after his victory at Acre, he was discovered in Vienna and imprisoned in the Dukes castle at Dà ¼rnstein, on the Danube. Leopold handed Richard the Lionheart over to the German emperor, Henry VI, who was no more fond of him than Leopold, thanks to Richards actions in Sicily. Henry kept Richard at various imperial castles as events unfolded and he gauged his next step. Legend has it that a minstrel called Blondel went from castle to castle in Germany seeking Richard, singing a song he had composed with the king. When Richard heard the song from within his prison walls, he sang a verse known only to himself and Blondel, and the minstrel knew he had found the Lionheart. However, the story is just a story. Henry had no reason to hide Richards whereabouts; in fact, it suited his purposes to let everyone know that he had captured one of the most powerful men in Christendom. The story cannot be traced back any earlier than the 13th century, and Blondel probably never even existed, although it made for good press for minstrels of the day. Henry threatened to turn Richard the Lionheart over to Philip unless he paid 150,000 marks and surrendered his kingdom, which he would receive back from the emperor as a fief. Richard agreed, and one of the most remarkable fund-raising efforts began.  John  was not eager to help his brother come home, but  Eleanor  did everything in her power to see her favorite son return safely. The people of England were heavily taxed, Churches were forced to give up valuables, monasteries were made to turn over a seasons wool harvest. In less than a year nearly all of the exhorbitant ransom had been raised. Richard was released in February, 1194, and hurried back to England, where he was crowned again to demonstrate that he was still in charge of an independent kingdom. The Death of Richard the Lionheart Almost immediately after his coronation, Richard the Lionheart left England for what would be the last time. He headed directly to France to engage in warfare with Philip, who had captured some of Richards lands. These skirmishes, which were occasionally interrupted by truces, lasted for the next five years. By March of 1199, Richard was involved in a siege of the castle at Chalus-Chabrol, which belonged to the Viscount of Limoges. There was some rumor of a treasure having been found on his lands, and Richard was reputed to have demanded the treasure be turned over to him; when it was not, he supposedly attacked. However, this is little more than a rumor; it was enough that the viscount had allied with Philip for Richard to move against him. On the evening of March 26, Richard was shot in the arm by a crossbow bolt while observing the progress of the siege. Although the bolt was removed and the wound was treated, infection set in, and Richard fell ill. He kept to his tent and limited visitors to keep the news from getting out, but he knew what was happening. Richard the Lionheart died on April 6, 1199. Richard was buried according to his instructions. Crowned and clothed in royal regalia, his body was entombed at Fontevraud, at the feet of his father; his heart was buried at Rouen, with his brother Henry; and his brain and entrails went to an abbey at Charroux, on the border of Poitous and Limousin. Even before he was laid to rest, rumors and legends sprang up that would follow Richard the Lionheart into history. Understanding the Real Richard Over the centuries, the view of Richard the Lionheart held by historians has undergone some notable changes. Once considered one of Englands greatest kings by virtue of his deeds in the Holy Land and his chivalrous reputation, in recent years Richard has been criticized for his absence from his kingdom and his incessant engagement in warfare. This change is more a reflection of modern sensibilities than it is of any new evidence uncovered about the man. Richard spent little time in England, it is true; but his English subjects admired his efforts in the east and his warrior ethic. He didnt speak much, if any, English; but then, neither had any monarch of England since the Norman Conquest. Its also important to remember that Richard was more than the king of England; he had lands in France and political interests elsewhere in Europe. His actions reflected these diverse interests, and, though he didnt always succeed, he usually attempted to do what was best for all his concerns, not just England. He did what he could to leave the country in good hands, and while things sometimes went awry, for the most part, England flourished during his reign. There remain some things we dont know about Richard the Lionheart, beginning with what he really looked like. The popular description of him as elegantly built, with long, supple, straight limbs and hair a color between red and gold, was first written nearly twenty years after Richards death, when the late king had already been lionized. The only contemporary description that exists indicates that he was taller than average. Because he displayed such prowess with the sword, he could have been muscular, but by the time of his death he may have put on weight, since the removal of the crossbow bolt was reportedly complicated by fat. Then theres the question of Richards sexuality. This complex issue boils down to one salient point: there is no  irrefutable  proof to support or contradict the assertion that Richard was a homosexual. Each piece of evidence can be, and has been, interpreted in more than one way, so every scholar can feel free to draw whatever conclusion suits him. Whichever Richards preference was, it apparently had no bearing on his ability as a military leader or a king. There are some things we  do  know about Richard. He was very fond of music, though he never played an instrument himself, and he wrote songs as well as poems. He reportedly displayed a quick wit and a playful sense of humor. He saw the value of tournaments as preparation for war, and although he rarely participated himself, he designated five sites in England as official tournament locations, and appointed a director of tournaments and a collector of fees. This was in opposition to numerous decrees of the Church; but Richard was a devout Christian, and diligently attended mass, evidently enjoying it. Richard made many enemies, especially through his actions in the Holy Land, where he insulted and quarreled with his allies even more than his foes. Yet he apparently had a great deal of personal charisma, and could inspire intense loyalty. Though renowned for his chivalry, as a man of his times he did not extend that chivalry to the lower classes; but he was at ease with his servants and followers. Although he was talented at acquiring funds and valuables, in keeping with the tenets of chivalry he was also notably generous. He could be hot-tempered, arrogant, self-centered and impatient, but there are many stories of his kindness, insight and goodheartedness. In the final analysis, Richards reputation as an extraordinary general endures, and his stature as an international figure stands tall. While he cannot measure up to the heroic character early admirers depicted him as, few people could. Once we view Richard as a real person, with real foibles and quirks, real strengths and weaknesses, he may be less admirable, but he is more complex, more human, and much more interesting.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

About Alexander McQueen Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

About Alexander McQueen - Essay Example However, he interrupted his education and ventured into fashion design. Later, in 1994, he joined Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design for a master’s degree in fashion design (Frankel, 17). Unlike many designers, McQueen’s passion for fashion started during his childhood. He had always desired to be a designer when he grew up. This was demonstrated when he used to make dresses for his elder sisters while still a young boy at Rokeby Primary School (Bremner, 117). It is during the same time that he declared his interest in design and pledged that he would be a fashion designer when he grew up. His love for clothes made him to associate with designers. It is for this reason that he left school at a tender age to advance his design interests at Savile Row Tailors; Anderson & Sheppard; Gieves & Hawkes and Angels & Bermans (Deniau, 73). His services in these premises as an apprenticeship exposed him to the challenging modern trends in fashion design. Upon graduating as a fashion designer, McQueen took several jobs in prestigious fashion companies both within the United Kingdom and Spain. Here, he got an opportunity to interact with reputable designers who later influen ced his life (Rawi, 91). For instance, after working as a Chief Designer at Givenchy, he encountered Hussein Chalayan, Pauric Sweeney and Katy England. These are some of his contemporaries who really shaped the direction of his fashion career. Had it not been for these contemporaries, he would not have achieved much. They were of a great importance to him. For instance, Katy later became his right hand lady who stood beside him and gave him the necessary assistance in whatever he was doing (Knox, 2010). As a designer, McQueen is credited for making magnificent contributions in the field of fashion design. After terminating his six-year contract at the prestigious Givenchy in 2001, he founded his own company under his name. Here, he developed the new McQueen Alexander Brands which has now revolutionized the fashion design industry (Bremner and Robertson, 11). Moreover, he brought a new idea to fashion shows when he introduced drama and extravagance as new features in catwalk. Initial ly, fashion shows were cheaper to organize and did not involve the use of drama. This necessitated him to fetch for renowned pageants to grace his shows. A t the same time, he introduced silhouettes to enable him incorporate the element of fantasy in his shows. Actually, these have become significant a component of fashion shows which are still prominent up to date. These are his legacies which will always remain in the minds of fashion lovers for a very long time (Cartner, 66). His McQueen out fits were properly designed to suit the modern man. By the year 2007, he had established boutiques in London, Las Vegas, New York, Milan and Los Angeles (Searle, 48). Hence, he managed to win the confidence of many clients who preferred his clothes to any other designer. However, this did not only include ordinary people, but celebrities like David Bowie, Nicole Kidman, Rihana, Koda Kumi, Penelope Cruz, Ayumi Hamasaki, Namie Amuro and Sarah Jessica Parker. As a result of his bright ideas, his designs are still prominent and used by people from all corners of the world. Indeed, McQueen was not made, but born a designer. After realizing his ambitions as a child, he prepared himself for it. However, could not manage to achieve anything single-handedly. First, he owes his success to his family. Had it not been for the co-operation from his parents, he would have shielded his interests for something else. This was a great source of inspiration for him (Bolton, 39). Moreover, he received

Friday, November 1, 2019

International Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

International Management - Essay Example Given the fact that the company has somehow been left behind, in terms of revenue, by the various cafà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s in the market which are offering almost the same products at much lower prices. The author also showed that the company Starbucks must be able to reenergize, not only in the way it does business in the market, but also with their everyday business with people who comes into its coffee shops. The author stated that the coffee business is a crowded playing field in the sense that many food chains like McDonald’s and Dunkin Donuts (companies which don’t include coffees in their menus before) are now creating and selling their own posh coffee creations. Another reason for the need to reenergize the company is its declining reputation. According to the survey conducted by Schultz â€Å"the Starbucks experience has been significantly downgraded as a consequence of its rapid expansion.† The once hip vibe turned into â€Å"disparate markets,† even if compared amongst the Starbucks chain of coffee shops. Starbucks company should also focus on the way the company is connecting with its customers on a day to day basis. This entails the catering of coffee drinkers at the different times of day. It is also noticeable how high-tech Starbucks stores have been; but in some cases, the store must also give importance on creating an atmosphere conducive to fostering human interactions. The company’s strength lies in the fact that is a pioneer coffee shop in the industry. It has already established a name and a reputation amongst coffee drinkers as offering the best coffee concoction in the business. Experience is also one of the company’s strengths. As it had been in business for so many years, the company somehow knows the coffee market. In putting the phrase â€Å"refocus on the experience† on a different context, Starbuck company could reevaluate the years with which they have operated and compare it with